Author: Fr. Gregory Safreed, OSF

  • Modernism XI, Modernist Clergy, con’t

    Cardinals used their positions of prominence to alter beliefs: Bernardus Alfrink, Augustin Bea, Yves Congar, Richard Cushing, Jean Danielou, John Dearden, Raul Silva Henriquez, Henri de Lubac, Julius Dopfner, Josef Frings, Giacamo Lercaro, Franz Konig, Albert Meyer, Paul Emile Liger, Achille Lienart, Joseph Ritter, Lawrence Shehan, Leo Suenens, Urs von Balthasar, Herman Volk and Jan…

  • Modernism XI

    We continue with the series from Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicismby Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI. ROLE REVERSAL Catholic clergy are ordained to teach and guide souls. They have a serious obligation to lead their flock to Heaven. Sadly, clergy infected with Modernism led astray those under their care. This role reversal is…

  • Modernism X

    We continue with the series from Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicismby Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI. THE MODERNIST REVOLUTION, continued Like weed seeds that fly through the air and take root once they find fertile soil, Modernism permeated Catholic institutions, causing seminarians, priests, bishops and laity to doubt and question everything. Modernist “demolition…

  • Modernism IX

    We continue with the series from Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicismby Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI. CASUALLY MINGLING WITH THE FLOCK In order to deceive the masses, Modernists infiltrated Religious Orders. Benedictines advocated liturgical change. Since members of the Benedictine Order were deemed liturgical experts, they were very powerful during and after Vatican…

  • Modernism VIII

    We continue with the series from Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicismby Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI. UNDERSTANDING THE PROCESS, continued Wolves hid under the Roman collar, bishop’s mitre and cardinal’s robe in order to more easily deceive the flock. The disguises worked to perfection. Even though people usually abhor evil, they are often…

  • Modernism VII

    We continue with selections from Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicismby Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI WOLVES POSED TO ATTACK Jesus used the imagery of wolves and sheep to portray the battle between good and evil. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their…

  • Modernism VI (Continuing with Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism, by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI)

    Modernism VI (Continuing with Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism, by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI)

    Modernist Master Plan 1] Infiltrate. Get Modernists into key positions. Those who were recruited before entering the Seminary may have been promised rewards or fame. Professors, students and prelates were happy to assist. Modernism remains a well-oiled machine. Its people quickly rise to the top. [2] Offer Counterfeits. Paired with legitimate movements, Modernist causes become…

  • Putting The [Nefarious] Plan of Modernism Into Action (Continuing with “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism”)

    Satan Hard at Work Satan, who fell through pride, offers enticing rewards in this life to those who do his bidding. Modernism is his special creation to deceive souls and destroy their faith and morals. Diabolical intelligence planned Vatican II. His agents created a new, Counterfeit Church by utilizing Catholic buildings worldwide to conduct man-centered…

  • Modernism IV

    Modernism IV

    Modernists believe human reason is the guide for determining right and wrong. They want beliefs and morals to conform to current trendsin society and be altered as the need arises. Pope Pius IX describes the tragic results of heresy that are so clearly evident today: As a result of this filthy medley of errors which…

  • Modernism III

    We continue with Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism by Frs. Francisco & Dominic Radecki, CMRI Modernists deceive people into believing that traditional Catholic beliefs and worship are outdated and an obstacle to scientific advancement and social progress. Obviously, the Catholic Church does not condemn everything modern, but it does condemn deadly modern errors that…