Satan Hard at Work
Satan, who fell through pride, offers enticing rewards in this life to those who do his bidding. Modernism is his special creation to deceive souls and destroy their faith and morals. Diabolical intelligence planned Vatican II. His agents created a new, Counterfeit Church by utilizing Catholic buildings worldwide to conduct man-centered worship and spread heretical doctrines.
Saul Alinsky (1909-1972), a well-known revolutionary from Chicago, Illinois, wrote the book, Rules for Radicals: a Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals. His principles can be applied to a religious revolution, especially the importance of infiltration from within. Alinsky dedicated his book to “…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at
least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”
Implementing their Plan
People from various nationalities, regions and social backgrounds united their efforts in their attempt to destroy the Church from within. The multiple facets of their plan are like interconnected pieces of a puzzle. Modernists achieved their ultimate goal when all the pieces fell in place. Modernists at Vatican II used the political “bait and switch” technique, proposing minor changes while making essential ones. Familiar words were used to make it appear as if nothing had changed. Council moderators bent the rules and silenced opponents. Since Modernists seized control from the beginning, there was little the opposition could do.
Changes made to doctrine and worship by Vatican II were revolutionary and turned Catholic beliefs upside down. The word revolution is derived from the Latin word volvere, to flip over.
- Human nature was enthroned, while God was dethroned
- Liturgy became social entertainment, not a form of worship to God
- People were told to work for a better world, not to attain eternal life
- Christ’s humanity was stressed, while His divinity denied
- Nature became “graced,” while the effects of original sin were ignored
- Salvation was granted to all, not something obtained by effort and prayer
- The meal table became prominent, while the tabernacle was hidden to the side
- The spirit of the secular world was to be embraced, not rejected as Christ had done
When Modernists proposed a humanist religion based on man, many took the bait. This new religion would be easier to practice, because
emphasis was no longer placed on personal responsibility to God for one’s actions. Morality can now be determined by the individual.