JOHN XXIII part 18
From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI. TRYING TO REMOVE THE STIGMA OF BEING A MODERNIST The Holy Office defends Catholic teaching on faith and morals. “It censors and condemns books judged dangerous to faith and morals… It also judges heresy and all offenses leading to a suspicion…
JOHN XXIII part 17
From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI THE MODERNIST Since the nineteenth century, Modernists have successfully attacked the Church from inside like a deadly cancer. Even though Modernist heresy has been condemned by the Church, more and more liberal-minded clerics and lay people have fallen under its spell…
JOHN XXIII part 16
Taken from “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism,” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI JOHN XXIII By choosing the name John XXIII, Roncalli surprised everyone because for more than 550 years no pope had used that name. The last time the name John XXIII had been used was in 1410 by Baldassar Costa, an…
JOHN XXIII part 15
From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI Author, Tony Spina, noted during the 1958 conclave, “Swarms of starlings darkened the sky over the Sistine Chapel on the final day of the conclave.” The unusual and puzzling events associated with this pivotal papal election, when taken cumulatively with other…
JOHN XXIII part 14
[At the 1958 conclave]: Questions began to arise whether the smoke was white or gray. To quell such doubts Monsignor Santaro, Secretary of the Conclave of Cardinals, informed the press that the smoke, indeed had been white and that a new pope had been elected. The waiting continued. By evening, Vatican Radio announced that the…
JOHN XXIII part 13
From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI WHAT REALLY HAPPENED DURING THE 1958 CONCLAVE? When cardinals reach a two-thirds majority plus one and elect a new pope, ballots are burned in a stove in the Sistine Chapel and a special chimney emits white smoke that announces the election…