Modernism XIV

From Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI


American prelates who ruled the Modern Church after the Council were no better than their predecessors: Bernardin, Cody, Timothy Dolan, Egan, George, Gumbleton, Hoffman, Hunthausen, Keeler, Krol, Law, Mahony, Malone, Manning, McCarrick, Pilla, Rigali, Szoka, Skylstad, Untener and Weaklland. In the years leading up to Vatican II, many American bishops were chosen for their financial expertise and fund-raising capabilities, not their holiness and ability to defend the Faith and lead their flocks. Many who were exposed to the New Theology and liturgical changes in the seminary, encouraged Modernists ideas at the Second Vatican Council.

There are many villains that one could point to who promoted apostasy in the New Church. One of the major players was Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston (1895-1970) [My comment]

Cardinal Cushing’s close friendship with the Kennedys gave him tremendous power, however, his ecumenical activities ultimately led many to question the importance of Christianity. How could a man who directed the Society of the Propagation of the Faith for 15 years believe all religions are vehicles for salvation? He climbed the ladder quickly, was made a Monsignor on May 14, 1939 and became an Auxiliary Bishop of Boston a month later. Five years later, he was appointed Archbishop of Boston and was made a Cardinal on December 15, 1958. Cushing was an efficient manager who got things done. He built 87 new parishes, opened 18 new high schools, many hospitals and seminaries, and numerous homes for the disabled, orphans and the mentally ill. To remain debt free, each building was paid in full upon completion. Cushing daily raised $20,000 and had over 60 schools, seminaries and convents under his jurisdiction


Cardinal Cushing claimed one religion was as good as another and used Catholic institutions to spread Religious Indifferentism throughout his Archdiocese. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Cushing:

[1] Met regularly with Orthodox and Protestant clergy; [2] Claimed that religious liberty was based on Catholic Doctrine; [3] Spent much of his time at Vatican II with non-Catholic Observers; [4] Spoke at Protestant churches and joined non-Catholic religious leaders in parades; [5] Encouraged his flock to attend lectures given by Protestant Evangelist, Billy Graham; [6] Was the first Catholic prelate to officially address members of a Freemasonic Lodge in the United States. Others would later follow his example. [7] Promoted religious liberty at Vatican II because he said non-Catholics desired it, and “…its contents exhibited a ‘decent respect for the opinions of mankind.’”