Modernism IX

We continue with the series from Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicismby Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI.


In order to deceive the masses, Modernists infiltrated Religious Orders.

Benedictines advocated liturgical change. Since members of the Benedictine Order were deemed liturgical experts, they were very powerful during and after Vatican II.

Dominicans were master theologians. What better disguise could a heretic use than a religious habit, like that worn by the Dominican Order? Who is going to question “a man of God?”

Jesuits were teachers par excellence. “Learned” priests of the Society of Jesus led countless Catholics astray. Many thought they must be right since they were priests.

Although some Religious remained faithful to the Church, many followed the changes and supported Modernism and Ecumenism. Modernists employed Nicolo Machiavelli’s tactics laid out in his book The Prince, to be as clever and cunning as a fox and as intimidating as a lion. Modernists did whatever they deemed necessary to further their ends.

A wise ruler cannot and should not keep his word when doing so is to his disadvantage…since men are wicked and will not keep faith with you, you need not keep faith with them. …But it is essential to know how to conceal how crafty one is, to know how to be a clever counterfeit and hypocrite.


The Modernist Revolution of the past three centuries caused sweeping changes to Catholic belief, worship and practice. As a result, Modern Catholics have little in common with Catholics who lived before Vatican II (1962-1965). There are two churches: the Catholic Church Christ founded, and the Modern Church formed during Vatican II. Although this revolution appeared leaderless, Satan masterminded the plan, promoting doubt and skepticism. Even though Modernists deny Divine Revelation, they expect people to follow them unquestionably. Once collegiality (increasing the power of the body of bishops) was accepted, it practically eliminated the need for the papacy.