Modernism VII

We continue with selections from Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism
by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI


Jesus used the imagery of wolves and sheep to portray the battle between good and evil. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their fruits you will know them.” Wolves often attack defenseless sheep because they make easy targets. When our Lord gave St. Peter primacy over the Church and the Apostles, He referred to members of his Church as “lambs” and its leaders (bishops) as “sheep.” Although lambs and sheep are passive, trusting animals who follow a leader, instinct warns them to flee when they sense danger. The only way wolves (heretics) could approach a flock (the Church) unnoticed would be for them to appear like harmless sheep (as cardinals, bishops and theologians). That is exactly what occurred during the Second Vatican Council.

Since the 1930’s, professors and seminarians read theological works by Chardin, Chenu, Congar, Danielou, and De Lubac, and liturgical writings by Beauduin, Bouyer, Casel, Guardini, Herwegen, Jungmann, and Michel, encouraging them to accept Modernist beliefs. When they became priests, bishops and cardinals, many spread Modernism in their parishes and dioceses. Those who attended Vatican II, disseminated it throughout the world. All that was necessary was to have an alpha wolf (John XXIII) lead the pack (heretical prelates) and have them mingle among the sheep (bishops) at Vatican II. Even though there were many good clergy at the time, there were also many infiltrators. Unfortunately, many bishops remained speechless during this time of danger. Vatican II led to the greatest loss of Faith in history.


Standard seminary curriculum includes two years of Philosophy, followed by four years of Moral and Dogmatic Theology. Canon Law, Scripture Study and many other classes are included in this six-year training period. Religious seminarians have an additional novitiate year to develop their spiritual life. During seminary formation, young men learn to grow in virtue and persevere in prayer as they are taught theology, liturgy and moral principles. Before Vatican II, many rectors and seminary professors undermined the Faith of thousands of seminarians who trusted them. They minimized the spiritual life and gave faulty moral guidance and taught heretical beliefs. Sir Walter Scott described their method when he wrote, “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

Seminarians become priests; priests become bishops and cardinals; and cardinals elect popes. Modernists, having patrons in high places, climbed the ladder quickly.