Forming A New Counterfeit Church

The following is an excerpt from “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI. The two priests, who are brothers, are members of The Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen.

The word “Catholic” means “universal,” and is derived from the Greek words “completely” and “whole.” It describes a united, highly organized church Christ established that is essentially the same throughout the world. The Catholic Church opposes doctrinal change while adapting to every age and retaining its immutable elements. Prior to Vatican II, the doctrines, Mass and sacraments of the Catholic Church were uniform throughout the world. Mass attendance was high, most Catholics practiced their Faith, new churches, schools and colleges were built at a feverish pace, vocations were plentiful, converts were numerous, missions were successful, and Catholics had attained high positions in society.

The Second Vatican Council was one of the most disastrous events in history. During its 12 monthly sessions held from 1962 to 1965, it founded a Modern Church that resembles the Catholic Church in externals but is radically different in essentials.

Change can be positive, negative or indifferent. When the essence of something is changed it becomes something else. Vatican II created a Counterfeit Church by changing every facet of Catholicism: belief, worship and authority, resulting in a worldwide loss of faith and the eradication of Christian morals. It destroyed traditions, controlled people and detached them from their roots. Monika Hellwig wrote:

Lay people were left to cope with change altar rail by altar rail, hymn by hymn, liturgy by liturgy. There were few explanations given, little theology taught. Parishes simply implemented new formulas, accepted nuns in new habits… said prayers in new translations, and watched in sullen sadness or deep resentment as the church they had known faded into oblivion.

Author Michael Novak describes two distinct churches, pre-Vatican II and post-Vatican II:

It was as though the world (or at least the history of the church) were now to be divided into only two periods, pre Vatican II and post-Vatican II. Everything “pre” was then pretty much dismissed…For the most extreme, to be Catholic now meant to believe more or less anything one wanted to believe or at least in the sense in which one personally interpreted it…One could take Catholic to mean the ‘culture’ in which one was born, rather than to mean a creed…

To be continued.