Modernism XVIII

From Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI



Sheen wrote 73 books, served as Auxiliary Bishop of New York under Cardinal Spellman from 1951—1965, became Bishop of Rochester from 1966—1969 and an honorary archbishop in 1969. “Bishop Sheen brought the thinking of the Second Vatican Council to his pastoral ministry in the [Rochester] diocese.” said a pundit. Implementing the Spirit of Vatican II, Sheen turned the diocesan Minor Seminary into a co-ed school with a layman in charge. He added Protestant ministers and an
expert on Teilhard de Chardin to the faculty of the Major Seminary.[Ugh!]

In 1967, diocesan seminarians joined students from Colgate Rochester Divinity School (that trained ministers for 15 Protestant denominations) to assist those in the slums. Archbishop Sheen began to question former practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church and instill those taught at Vatican II.

He not only was a Modernist and Progressive, he became the American leader of the movement. It would have taken valor for Bishop Sheen to oppose John XXIII and Paul VI , since he was a close friend of theirs, yet at a time when the Church needed someone with the courage of St. Athanasius to defend her in one of her darkest hours, Sheen, who enjoyed celebrity status, chose to side with the Modernist majority.


In later life, Sheen became less enthusiastic about the changes. He condemned liturgical abuses following Vatican II and recommended a holy hour of reparation by clergy. When Archbishop Sheen told individuals at a Eucharistic Congress that what they were doing was wrong, some in attendance tried to silence him. Before death, he may have regretted some of his decisions and wished to return to the Faith he left. May God have mercy on his soul.