Counterfeit Church IX

Continuing with “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Fransisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI

Why is the Catholic Church so opposed to Communism? “The fate of the Catholic Church in the USSR and countries occupied by the Russians from 1917 to 1959 shows the following:

The numbers killed: 2.5 million Catholic believers, 55 bishops, 12,800 priests and monks.
Imprisoned or deported: 199 bishops, 32,000 priests and 10 million believers.
15,700 priests were forced to abandon their priesthood and accept other jobs.
A large number of seminaries and religious communities were dissolved;
16,000 monasteries were nationalized, 31,779 churches were closed.
400 newspapers were prohibited and all Catholic organizations were dissolved.

One of the best ways to help Communists is to do nothing. John XXIII, Paul VI and many bishops at Vatican II simply ignored the issue,
even though Communism threatened to envelop the world and a nuclear war almost erupted between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in 1962. John XIII even made a secret pact with Moscow not to condemn Communism at Vatican II. The former Soviet Union and Communist China engulfed many nations in Europe and Asia and set their sights on Africa and the Americas. They removed opposition by mass executions, concentration camps and indoctrination. Maryknoll Missionary, Fr. Tennien said Communists controlled the Chinese people by telling them to spy on others. True religious freedom is non-existent in most Communist regimes. In 1954, 65 million Catholics suffered religious persecution behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains in Europe and Western Asia.

On August 13, 1961, construction began on the infamous Berlin Wall. It separated East Berlin from West Berlin, spanned over 100 miles
and remained in place until November 9, 1989. Although 171 people died trying to leave Communist East Berlin, 5000 successfully
escaped, including a person who built a submarine to travel through sewers and two families that escaped by means of a hot air balloon.
On June 12, 1987, President Ronald Reagan challenged General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall” and declared
“…we in the West must resist Soviet Expansion. So we must maintain defenses of unassailable strength. Yet we seek peace; so we must
reduce arms on both sides.” He also wanted to prevent Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD).