From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI


Pope St. Pius’s encyclical “Pascendi Dominici Gregis” (Feeding the Lord’s Flock) initiated a comprehensive and intense attack against Modernism. Implementation of the Holy Father’s orders resulted in a crackdown on Modernist and Secular Humanistic belief within the hierarchy, clergy and seminary professors. During his relatively short reign, Pope St. Pius X effectively limited the spread of Modernism. However, he warned that if Church authorities were not vigilant, it would grow and become more dangerous than ever.

Modernism was devised by Satan as an ingenious attack against the Church from within. It is a heresy that spreads like wildfire and becomes deeply rooted. Despite all the efforts used to destroy it, Modernism continued to thrive. It started underground, but now operates openly and brazenly. Toward the end of 1917, the Vatican let it be known that anyone who disagreed with “Pascendi” would be excommunicated. The impact was felt by both Radini Tedeschi, a proponent of Humanism, and Roncalli, a Modernist.


Given Roncalli’s liberal tendencies, Pope St. Pius X’s measures to destroy Modernism now made his methods of teaching Apologetics, Church History and Patrology, at the Bergamo seminary from 1906-1912, very problematic. In keeping with his motto, “I will bend, but not break,” Roncalli tread cautiously in his lectures, taking his usual double stance. In 1908, Bergamo was one of the Italian cities most influenced by the works of the Modernist Alfred Loisy.

Fr. Roncalli admitted that humanistic thinkers had made errors, but quickly referred to the ancient and narrow-minded doctrines of the Church that had lost meaning due to the changing conditions of the times. He added that some believed that the Church was locked into these formulations. Roncalli, however, did not include himself, cleverly remaining on the fence, disguising his own views.


Modernist clergy often worked underground to avoid being excommunicated for heresy. They had to craftily infiltrate the Church in order to circulate their false doctrines. Concerning this subject, Fr. Roncalli wrote, “Faith and good intentions are not enough to influence a civilization with wholesome principles and reform it in the spirit of the gospel. For this purpose, it is necessary to penetrate into…institutions and work effectively from within them.”