Continuing with “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI
In the early 1900’s, the Roman Curia nervously observed the liberal social views of a priest in Rome, named Fr. Radini Tedeschi, who was vice-president of the “Opera die Congressi” (Work of the Congresses). In 1904 Pope Pius X dissolved the organization because it promoted Socialism. “He saw the organization as ‘modernism’ in its social form.”
In 1905, Radini Tedeschi was appointed Bishop of Bergamo where he continued his work away from Rome’s scrutiny. “This bishop was notoriously liberal, assuming the leadership of all avant-garde movements, whether they were Catholic or Labor oriented, to the great dismay of the bishop’s parishioners.” In 1909, Radini Tedeschi earned the title of “red bishop” when he supported the workers strike at Ranica.
From April 1905, Roncalli spent nearly ten years serving as secretary for Bishop Radini Tedeschi. Unfortunately, Fr. Roncalli embraced his bishop’s Modernist and Socialist views, remaining loyal to them for the rest of his life. His close work with Bishop Radini Tedeschi solidified his commitment to work toward a new vision of the Church, open and receptive to secular and anti-Christian trends of the world, especially Ecumenism and Socialism.
His work as secretary for Bishop Tedeschi brought Fr. Roncalli into contact with several Modernists, including the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Ferrari. Roncalli consulted Ferrari on all important decisions and met him almost monthly until Ferrari’s death in 1921. Even though Pope Pius X sent four “apostolic visitations” to Milan because Cardinal Ferrari was the leader of progressive forces in Italy, Fr. Roncalli remained a close friend with Ferrari…
More than 40 years later, John XXIII used Tedeschi’s strategy of “aggiornamento” to change the doctrines and liturgy of the Church. Tedeschi, a close friend of Cardinal Mercier, was willing to retain some of the “glorious traditions” of the Church, while changing its doctrines and worship from within. By this means he was accepted in both traditional and Modernist circles. In later years, Roncalli applied Tedeschi’s tactics when he rationalized his changes to the Church due to “the new conditions of the times” while still claiming to preserve its sacred traditions. This clever deception of fence-walking would masterfully and repeatedly be used by John XXIII in order to disguise his intentions and thereby deceive Catholics.