From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI


[Roncalli’s] pride and arrogance, even as a seminarian, is noteworthy, as is recorded in his “Journal.” “On one occasion his cousins prevailed upon their pastor to lodge a complaint at the seminary about what they called his ‘airs.’” Angelo Roncalli got off to a bad start, “being an avid reader of Kant, [and Modernists] Blondel, Loisy and Harnack.” [My emphasis]
While with a group of priests at Bergamo, he portrayed himself as a know-it-all authority on politics and repeatedly questioned them while he brashly aired his opinions. Even in his final days at the seminary, Roncalli recorded his “heated discussions” with those who disagreed with his views.

On August 10, 1904, Fr. Roncalli was ordained in Rome by Bishop Ceppetelli in the church ion Santa Maria in Monte Santo and offered his first Mass at the age of 22, in the crypt of St, Peter’s. In 1905 he joined Bishop Tedeschi on a trip to the Holy Land and to the Benedictine Monastery at Subiaco.

At the turn of the twentieth century, Roman seminaries had many professors and students who were trained in Modernism. Roncalli’s friends at the seminary included Ernesto Buonaiuti, who was excommunicated as a Modernist in 1926, and Nicholas Turchi, Buonaiuti’s collaborator.

Fr. Roncalli used to frequently visit Buonaiuti and after his excommunication, continued to correspond with his friend. Giulio Andreotti believed Buonaiuti’s chief error was in breaking away from the Church too soon and not waiting for the Second Vatican Council. Fr. Roncalli, who remained nominally in the Church, used his time to lay the groundwork for the approaching Modernist revolution. After his election in 1958 when he could speak openly, Roncalli had no difficulty declaring that he had learned many things from Don Ernesto [Buonaiuti]. In 1906, Roncalli met Cardinal Mercier, whom he admired. Msgr. Benigni described Mercier’s association with Modernists when he said, “He is well known as being linked to all the traitors of the Church.”


In 1894, Marc Sangnier founded “Le Sillon,” a French religious and political movement to bring Catholicism closer to the ideals of the French Republic and socialism. Fr. Roncalli was deeply moved by one of Sangnier’s speeches. In 1910, Pope St. Pius X condemned and disbanded the movement. The Holy Father said that “Le Sillon:”

…is a miserable tributary of a great movement of apostasy organized to establish everywhere a universal church that will have neither dogma nor hierarchy …and which under the pretext of liberty and human dignity, will bring about in the world…the legal reign of delusion.