Forming A New Counterfeit Church IV

Continuing with “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francesco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI

Pope Clement XII condemned Freemasonry and Secret Societies in 1738, as have ten other popes in 200 papal documents. Popes Pius VIII, Pius IX, Pius XI, Gregory XVI, and Leo XIII condemned Religious Indifferentism, promoted by Freemasonry, that claims one religion is as good as the other. Cardinal Newman said Freemasons deify man by placing human reason above Scripture and Apostolic Tradition. The Ritual for the Mason Apprentice describes Freemasonry as
“…the religion of the future, destined to replace all religions…

Issues of the Jesuit periodical, America in 1938 and 1951 stressed the “conservative nature” of Freemasonry. In 1957, Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Luther Smith, stated Jesuits were organizing a Freemasonic Lodge in Rome. An article in the May 1961 issue of America entitled “Priest and Freemason” described Jesuit Fr. Riquet’s speech before 500 Masons that called for Catholics and Masons to unite. Fr. John O’Brien, SJ of Notre Dame, author of the article
“Our Friends the Masons,” in the March 1968 issue of U.S. Catholic and his 33rd Degree Freemason friend, Albert Heller, successfully encouraged many American Catholics and Knights of Columbus to join Freemasonic Lodges.

In 1950, Fr. Cordovani noted in the Montreal paper, La Devoir, that Catholic clergy were working toward an alliance with Freemasonry even though they would be excommunicated. John Paul II lifted excommunication in the New Code of Canon Law. During a speech to Freemasons in 1965, Bishop Pursley (Fort Wayne-South Bend) said Vatican II affected a working relationship between Catholics and Freemasons. Bishop Gelineau of Providence, Rhode Island, received the Grand Master Award for exemplifying Freemasonic principles. Bishop Joyce (Burlington, Vermont) and Cardinals Cody (Chicago) and Cushing (Boston) spoke at Masonic gatherings. On March 28, 1976, Cardinal Cooke (New York) was principal speaker at a Masonic Breakfast attended by 3,000 members.

Many documents of Vatican II promoted Freemasonic ideals. These include: The Degree on Ecumenism, The Declaration on Religious Freedom, The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, and The Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions.