Baptism of Blood And Baptism of Desire iV

In understanding the Church’s mind regarding Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire the following principles are required:

You must believe the teachings of BOTH the:

  1. Solemn and …
  2. Universal ordinary magisterium of the Church. This comes from The First Vatican Council (1870). BOB and BOD are in the second category.

“Further, by divine and Catholic faith, all those things must be
believed which are contained in the written word of God, and
in tradition, and those which are proposed by the Church, either
in solemn pronouncement, or IN HER ORDINARY AND UNIVERSAL
TEACHING POWER [magisterium] to be believed as divinely revealed.”

Vatican Council I, “Dogmatic Constitution on the Faith” (1870) DZ 1792
The Code of Canon Law demands the same obligation (Canon 1323.1)
Because of this, you must believe by divine and Catholic faith the following:

Those things contained in Scripture or Tradition, and things proposed worthy of belief as divinely revealed by the Church’s authority and by both:

  1. Solemn pronouncements by ecumenical councils, or ex cathedra by popes — and …
  2. The Universal Ordinary Magisterium — that is the teaching of the bishops together with the pope, either in council, or spread throughout the world. This included content contained in catechisms which taught BOB and BOD. All of this is not “optional” or a “matter of opinion.” In the pre-Vatican II Church the theologian and / or canonist designated by the Church with a special mission had immense and extensive training in theology, drew up manuals of theology for seminarians, priests and bishops, ultimately with the permission of the Church’s highest authority.

The definition of a theologian:

“learned men who after the time of the Church Fathers
scientifically taught sacred doctrine in the Church”

“In the Church” — very important. The theologian is not doing “his own thing,” or fenced off in some church of his own making. Today, based on a variety of reasons, many people are in a church of their own making, sometimes with realization, sometimes not. This has become a very serious situation, and often it includes the errors involving the denial of BOB and BOD. Next week a list of 25-30 “top shelf” theologians who taught BOB and BOD as a matter of faith.