A selection from “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI
In November of 1957, less than a year before Pope Pius XII’s death, Roncalli presided over a diocesan synod and noted that although the Church was ever young, it needed updating (aggiornamento). The word “aggiornamento” was often linked to Modernists before Vatican II. This would become the battle cry of the Second Vatican Council that he would lead.
On hearing of Pope Pius XII’s death Roncalli remarked that we must not safeguard the Deposit of Faith “as museum-keepers” but cultivate new teachings and a new liturgy. His changes did not prepare “a glorious future,” but universal destruction and the loss of countless souls.
For over 200 years, enemies of the Church who worked tirelessly to eradicate Catholicism, were hampered because strong popes defended the Faith. In 1903, they attempted to have Cardinal Rampolla elected, but Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria foiled their plot. They would have another opportunity to usurp the papacy during the conclave of 1958.
Yves Marsaudon, a member of the Supreme Council of France, Scottish Rite Freemasons, declared “the goal of Freemasonry is no longer the destruction of the Church, but to make use of it by infiltrating it.” Instead of overthrowing the papacy, the Church’s foes planned to make use of the highest position in the Catholic Church to further their evil ends. Holy Scripture foretold that before the coming of Antichrist, the protective power of the papacy would be eliminated. St. Paul wrote:
For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; provided only that he [the pope] who is present restraining it, does still restrain, until he is gotten out of the way.
Enemies of the Church knew the 1958 conclave following the death of Pope Pius XII was pivotal because cardinals were divided between Traditionalists and Modernists. At the time, the Catholic Church was the strongest institution in the world; its power and influence was universal. One-fifth of the world’s population looked to the pope for faith, guidance and hope, and the Vatican was the largest administrative organization in the world.
Never in history had so much attention been paid to an ecclesiastical
affair. Never, in the history of the world…[had] so much attention been
focused on the pope. His slightest utterance not only in matters of Church doctrine, but upon any world problem…[commanded] the widest attention.