From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI

Intellectual pride was one of the causes of Roncalli’s abandonment of the Faith. From his seminary days Roncalli was fascinated by the latest “enlightened” ideas of Liberalism, Modernism and Socialism. Instead of rejecting the shallow irreligion of Modernism, he abandoned traditional Catholicism because he considered it outdated superstition and “irrational.” Like the Freemason Voltaire, Fr. Roncalli did not consider human nature weak and prone to evil, but rather good and reasonable. In 1950 after Sangnier’s death, he wrote the following words to his widow, even though Sangnier prepared the way for the Modern Church by promoting Modernism and Socialism!

The fascinating power of his words, of his mind, ravished me, and I keep of his political and social activity the most vivid memory of all my priestly youth… One cannot render homage and eulogy more eloquent to the memory of this distinguished Frenchman in whom his contemporaries appreciated the clarity of his profoundly Christian soul
and the noble sincerity of his heart.

Modernism is based on selfishness and a debased love of the world. It allowed Angelo Roncalli to deny the teachings of the Church while still calling himself a “Catholic.” His Modernist beliefs permitted him to believe whatever he wanted as long as he felt it was right for him. Roncalli’s loss of faith took place gradually through his close connection with Modernists (Beauduin, Bonaiuti, Montini [Paul VI], Radini-Tedeschi, Sangnier, Shard, etc.) who scorned traditional Catholic teachings. Thus through pride, dangerous reading as associating with enemies of the Church he questioned his old religious beliefs and rejected God’s grace. “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”


A Jesuit priest in Los Angeles, California related to one of the authors how, in like manner, he himself had gradually lost his faith. When he entered the seminary in Louvain at the time of Vatican II, he was a devout, Catholic young man. By degrees, his piety and beliefs were belittled and undermined. First, the impressionable seminarian, dazzled by the sophistries and heresies of his Modernist professors, gave up his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints. Shortly afterwards he stopped making visits to the Blessed Sacrament and grew careless with regard to prayer. In the end, he lost his faith.