From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI

In lieu of the fact that the Modern Church proclaimed John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli) a saint, it is necessary to reveal what he truly believed and promoted, along with his detrimental impact on the Church. An individual must first understand Angelo Roncalli, before one can truly understand the New Church he helped to create.

[When John XXIII was elected,]
“…the church had never been more powerful in terms of nominal adherents and potential influence and yet it was still tilting at the windmills of Modernism and dissent.”

As strongly organized anti-Catholic and anti-religious forces worked against the Church, inside and out, to corrupt, weaken and destroy her, John XXIII sided with Modernists, anti-clerical liberals and revolutionary socialists. Far from being a mere transitional, easily controllable “pope,” he introduced major heretical changes, especially inter-religious dialogue and worship.

His false doctrines were accepted without question because he was considered to be the pope. John XXIII was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, deceiving countless souls by means of false obedience. Many were misled by his words of “good will,” “separated brethren,” “brotherly love” and “unity,” that fooled people into thinking that he was going to change things for the better. In order to introduce revolutionary, sweeping changes he had to trap people into thinking things were so bad in the Church that radical changes were needed in its liturgy, government, ministry and apostolate.

John XXIII was a master deceiver with the cunning of an old fox. In a fiercely divided world, he refrained from making moral judgements when required to do so, thereby sidestepping the controversies of the time. He used his charisma to become a crafty politician. He certainly knew how to manipulate people and appealed to both sides, aligning with liberals or conservatives depending on each situation and the particular group he was addressing. He neither reprimanded heretics nor warned Catholics of their false teachings. John XXIII wanted the Church to abandon the defensive she had maintained. As the precursor of Paul VI, he laid the foundation for a New Church.

He used the Second Vatican Council to substantially change Our Lord’s message and replace it with Moral Relativism, Socialism and Secular Humanism. Everything could be questioned except the supreme authority of John XXIII. According to him, condemnation of heresy was uncharitable and superfluous. At Vatican II, Modernistic “reform” replaced the Deposit of the Faith. Since real unity with non-Catholics can only be achieved by adherence to truth, his misguided “charity” did not bring about conversions, but only meaningless conversations and false, empty unity.