From Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI


It is difficult to fathom how Sheen could write like a Modernist in the 1930s, teach the Faith as a Catholic bishop in the 1950’s and early 60’s and then promote the New Theology (Modernism) from the mid 60’s until his death in 1979.

His book The Mystical Body of Christ…is filled with Modernist beliefs. Sheen had to tone those down in the conservative America of the 1950s in order to become popular he became a champion of the Faith for nearly two decades and then helped convince Americans to accept Vatican II through his words, actions and prolific writings.


Americans anxiously awaited the theologian Sheen’s reaction to Vatican II. Many who trusted his judgement readily accepted the changes when he echoed John XXIII’s remarks to open the doors and windows of the Church even wider. As a result, millions followed the new doctrines, New Mass and New Sacraments of the Modern Church.

If Sheen opposed the New Mass and the heresies of Vatican II, it is likely that the changes would not have been successfully implemented in the United States. Many would have rallied to his side, including many bishops who didn’t like what was going on at the Council and thousands of devout priests.


Archbishop Sheen’s ecumenical activities and promotion of Modernism show the influence of the master deceiver, Satan. Sheen’s life changed after Vatican II. The man who made a daily Holy Hour and stressed the spiritual life, embraced the world. Instead of working to guide souls to Heaven, the humanist Sheen worked to better the condition of those on earth. The former champion of truth and orthodoxy turned from preaching the Gospel of Christ to preaching the social gospel as demonstrated by the title of his book, On Being Human.

Sheen became a zealous promoter of Vatican II, championing Ecumenism and lay and married deacons. Douglas Roche wrote, “The conciliar revolution launched by Pope John was brought down to earth and planted in local soil by Fulton Sheen.” His diocese became the model for other Modernist bishops to imitate.