• JOHN XXIII part 14

    [At the 1958 conclave]: Questions began to arise whether the smoke was white or gray. To quell such doubts Monsignor Santaro, Secretary of the Conclave of Cardinals, informed the press that the smoke, indeed had been white and that a new pope had been elected. The waiting continued. By evening, Vatican Radio announced that the…

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  • JOHN XXIII part 13

    From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI WHAT REALLY HAPPENED DURING THE 1958 CONCLAVE? When cardinals reach a two-thirds majority plus one and elect a new pope, ballots are burned in a stove in the Sistine Chapel and a special chimney emits white smoke that announces the election…

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  • JOHN XXIII part 12

    THE CLOUDED ELECTION OF JOHN XXIII part 4 From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco & Dominic Radecki, CMRI It is presumed that at first neither side could get the necessary votes. Angelo Roncalli was put forward as a ‘compromise’ or ‘transitional’ pope to bridge the gap between the 19 year-old reign…

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  • JOHN XXIII part 11

    THE CLOUDED ELECTION OF JOHN XXIII part 3 From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI VOTING BEGINS Cardinal Roncalli told Venetians to stop mourning the death of Pope Pius XII. “Come on now. When a Pope is dead they make another one.” His letter to the Bishop of…

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  • John XXIII part 10

    THE CLOUDED ELECTION OF JOHN XXIII, pt. 2 Taken from “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI Before the 1958 conclave there was wide disagreement among the cardinals since there was no single candidate with sufficient support to win the election. Cardinals who are likely to be chosen as…

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  • JOHN XXIII part 9

    From “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI Anti-communist Cardinals Mindzenty and Stepinac were prevented from attending the [1958] conclave by their Marxist governments. Cardinal Constantini died only eight days before the beginning of the conclave. Two influential American cardinals died in Rome shortly before the election. Cardinal Stritch…

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