• The Society of St. Pius X, II

    From Novus Ordo Watch: 3.12.2019 The Lefebvrists (the Society of St. Pius X) have long considered themselves de facto, the final arbiter of all things Catholic. In effect they believe that the Holy See must submit to the SSPX, rather than the other way around, because the SSPX “stands for Tradition”, so they think, whereas…

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  • The Society Of ST. PIUS X

    The Society of St. Pius X is an international fraternity of “traditionalist” Catholic priests founded in 1970 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (d. 3.25.1991). It boasts of the highest membership of so-called traditional Catholics in the world. In 2022 it claimed over 700 priests and 1,135 total memberships. Many readers of this Column know this, but…

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  • “The Latin Mass needs to be restricted because the theology of the Church has changed.”

    So said ‘Cardinal’ Arthur Roche who is the Novus Ordo Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. He made this statement recently, within the past month or so. As far as I know, a ‘dicastery’ is similar in concept to a ‘congregation.’ Well, the cat is out of the…

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  • The Sun will Be Darkened And the Moon Will Not Give Its Light

    Many things are predicted in relation to signs that will occur before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the 24th chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew, and the Apocalypse of St. John especially, we see the use of apocalyptic language to convey important ideas that transcend prose but are more aptly…

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  • Could it Happen Here? It is Happening Here II

    The greatest of all freedoms, that of speech, is disappearing. Since Lenin, no left-wing institution or country ever allowed dissent, and the left in America — which is elected and defended by liberals — is no exception. Already almost half of all college students say they do not believe in free speech for “hate speech,”…

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  • Could it happen here? It is Happening here

    My field of study in graduate school was communism. As a fellow at the Russian Institute of Columbia’s School of International Affairs, I was, if I remember correctly, one of seven students in the entire university to major in what was known at the time as “Communist Affairs.” I cite this in order to make…

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