• The Office of AntiChrist I

    Some time ago, I came into possession of a shocking report titled “Official Guidelines to Inaugurate the Golden Age of Blessed Peace from the Office for Antichrist.” It was issued by the then infamous P2 [Freemasonic] Lodge in Italy just prior to Vatican II. Even if you question its authenticity, it must be admitted that…

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  • Male Self Destruction II

    Last time I referred to Sean Isaacs and the GIANTS in the lives of men that are lurking around in order to wreck havoc and destruction in their lives. The Catholic Church formally teaches that Original Sin is a reality, and that it has severely damaged human nature by the weakening of the will and…

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  • Male Self-Destruction I

    My training and interest since high school has been in philosophy and theology—and I’m sure this will not come as a surprise to you. So if the need arises, it is necessary to seek out others who have expertise in areas that may tangentially touch upon these disciplines, but are a subject matter unto themselves.…

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  • The Crisis of Truth III

    The Modern world is defined by the reality of Revolution. One opinion puts forward the idea that the Protestant revolt was the first major revolution that has brought about a radical shift in how humanity views itself as well as all of reality. This was the shift away from medieval man giving himself over to…

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  • The Crisis of Truth II

    Last time, we discussed the notion that Truth has eroded among modern people based upon the philosophy of the Enlightenment which we termed “the turn to the subject.” This means that people largely understand Truth in terms of SUBJECTIVE considerations, such as feelings and thoughts often with little reference to a reality outside themselves. We…

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  • The Crisis of Truth I

    Let me begin the discussion of Truth by disclosing three examples of individuals who have trouble with the truth. [1] Some time ago, a [traditional] bishop came calling unexpectedly. We eventually went out to breakfast and began discussing various Church related matters. When it came to the question of who can or cannot receive Holy…

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