• Forming A New Counterfeit Church IV

    Continuing with “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francesco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI PAPAL CONDEMNATIONSPope Clement XII condemned Freemasonry and Secret Societies in 1738, as have ten other popes in 200 papal documents. Popes Pius VIII, Pius IX, Pius XI, Gregory XVI, and Leo XIII condemned Religious Indifferentism, promoted by Freemasonry, that claims…

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  • Forming A New Counterfeit Church III

    Continuing with “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI: The ultimate goal of Freemasonry is to destroy the Catholic Church and create a society free from God. On May 1, 1776, Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Illuminati to bring down “the corrupt Catholic Church,” and establish…

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  • Forming A New Counterfeit Church II

    We continue with another excerpt from “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” During the last three centuries, enemies of God, led by Satan, attacked the Church from within and without by introducing false doctrines called heresies into Catholic seminaries, convents, rectories, parishes and schools to destroy faith. After hundreds of years of careful planning, evil…

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  • Forming A New Counterfeit Church

    The following is an excerpt from “Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism” by Frs. Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI. The two priests, who are brothers, are members of The Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen. The word “Catholic” means “universal,” and is derived from the Greek words “completely” and “whole.” It describes a united, highly organized…

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  • Office of AntiChrist III

    We continue with “Official guidelines to Inaugurate the ‘Golden Age of Blessed Peace’ from the Office for Antichrist.” This was issued by the infamous P2 [Freemasonic] Lodge in Italy just prior to Vatican II. [16] Eliminate the Minor Order of Exorcist, for expelling devils. Work hard on this one. Sell the idea that there is…

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  • The Office of AntiChrist II

    This week we continue with a report called “Official Guidelines to Inaugurate the Golden Age of Blessed Peace from the Office for Antichrist” issued by the infamous P2 Freemasonic Lodge of Italy in 1962, just prior to Vatican II: [8] Profane hymns to the Mother of God and St. Joseph. Call it idolatry. Replace with…

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