Suggested Spiritual Readings from Fr. Molina both for general reflection and specifically for the Lenten season
General Reflection
- The Imitation of Christ (Thomas a Kempis)
- Uniformity with God’s Will (St. Alphonsus de Liguori)
- Letter to the Friends of the Cross (St. Louis Marie de Montfort)
- Saint Philomena the Wonder-Worker (Fr. Paul O’Sullivan)
- How Christ Said the First Mass (Fr. J. L. Meagher)
- The Cure d’Ars (Fr. Francis Trochu)
- Saints for Sinners (Fr. A. Goodier)
- Preparation for Death (St. Alphonsus de Liguori)
- The Great Means of Salvation and Perfection (St. Alphonsus)
- How to Be Happy, How to Be Holy (Fr. P. O’Sullivan)
- The Glories of Mary (St. Alphonsus de Liguori)
- Read Me or Rue It (Fr. Paul O’Sullivan)
- How to Avoid Purgatory (Fr. F. X. Schouppe)
- A Sinner’s Guide (Ven. Luis de Granada)
Lenten Spiritual Readings
- On the Passion of Jesus Christ (St. Alphonsus de Liguori)
- The Tragedy of Calvary (Fr. J. L. Meagher)
- The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ (St. Alphonsus de Liguori)
- The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich)
- The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fr. A. Goodier)
- The Foot of the Cross or The Sorrows of Mary (Fr. F. W. Faber)
Catholic Reading List
- Holy Bible, Douay-Rheims, ISBN 978-1-935302-05-6
- My Catholic Faith by Bshp. Louis Morrow, Copyright 1949 ISBN 0-9639032-6-8
- The Ottaviani Intervention, ISBN 0-89555-470-4
- Sunday Missal – Fr. Lasance
- Saint Joseph Daily Missal
- The New Marian Missal
- The New St. Joseph First Communion Catechism, ISBN 978-0-89942-240-4
- Preparation for Confirmation, ISBN 978-0-935952-34-6
- Baltimare Catechism One, ISBN 978-0-89555-144-3
- For the Visitor at Mass, ISBN 978-1-892321-56-4
- Baptism ISBN 1-892331-41-1
- Lives of the Saints, Fr. Alban Butler ISBN 0-89555-530-1
- Church History, Fr. John Laux ISBN 0-89555-349-X
- Radio Replies, Vol 1, 2, & 3, Fr. Rumble and Carty ISBN 0-89555-089-X
- Catholic Morality, Fr. John Laux ISBN 0-89555-393-7
- Love Does Such Things ISBN 0-9639032-9-2
- Notre Dame Retreat Manual
- Our Lady’s Garment – BT023 The Fatima Center
- Catholic Apologetics, Fr. John Laux ISBN 0-89555-394-5
- Rubics for Attending Mass
- How to Serve Low Mass, O’Brien ISBN 978-0-935952-42-1
- My Confession Book ISBN 978-0-89555-600-4
- 30 Favorite Novenas ISBN 978-0-89555-105-4
- For Newcomers to the Traditional Mass
- Attach Great Importance to your Brown Scapular
- Remember Our Lady of Fatima Said: – Marion Helpers Center
- The Secret of Happiness – Schmitz Press
- Welcome to the Traditional Mass – St. Gertrude the Great
- Confession of a Roman Catholic. Paul Whitcomb ISBN 978-0-89555-281-5
- The Catholic Church has the Answer, Paul Whitcomb ISBN 978-0-89555-282-2
- Scripture Alone?, Joel Peters ISBN 0-89555-640-5